Sunday, August 3, 2014

Mobile Apps and Mental health

Lots of people have smartphones; according to a Pew Research study, more than 56% of American adults own smartphones. In America, around 9.5% of the population (18 and older) have a Mood Disorder, 18.1% suffer from Anxiety, and about 3.5% have PTSD. Some creative individuals have thought of ways to combine these statistics to help people. There are apps that help with anxiety, PTSD, depression, and more - and a good number of them are free.

For users who wish to quell their anxiety, there is MindShift, a free tool that helps teens and adults overcome their anxiety rather than avoid it. Another app, called WhatsMy M3, helps users determine whether or not they are at an increased risk for depression, bipolar disorder, and PTSD. WhatsMy M3 comes at a cost of $2.99 for mobile devices, but is free for use at

These tools are mere examples of what apps can do for one’s mental health. There are hundreds of apps that can help, both free and for a small price. In cases where individuals are struggling with mental health issues, these apps should not be used to replace therapy. However, they can assist in addressing your concerns.

Jacob Myers


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